Monday, January 27, 2014


What have i learned from 2013?

i know i am late but i think that it is never to late for thinking about things that you have done in the past so here are a few things that i have learned from 2013

i used to be so lazy that when i came from school the only thing that i thought about was sleeping and dreaming. i never lived my dreams in real life because i was too scared. I always run from reality and i had a few issues with that, such as anxiety and so on. But now that i am in college and after doing so many things for the first time i finally found the switch that i needed and realized that there's so much more to do and to learn! 
So my tip for you guys is not to e a lazy fat ass and get things done and as many people say: live your dreams. it may sound impossible but at least you can try right? and who knows you may discover awesome things in life!

You are not going to be young forever, so do as many things as possible. try to spend as much quality time with your friends and relatives as possible because time changes everything and who knows they may disappear the next year. Don't be shy and live to the fullest. Sometimes the stupidest thing that you do turn out to be the most amazing stories for later when you are old.
Try to capture the beautiful moments so my tip for you is to always have a camera with you and let's not lie, now a days pretty much every one has a camera in their phones so again, don't be lazy and use it!

If you have a memory like the one of a golden fish it may be handy to keep a calendar or a planner. at the end of the year you can go back and look trough it to see how much you have accomplished that year and maybe you can come up with some crazy things that you'd like to do the next year. 
Personally i feel that i have done so many things but i have forgotten so many things an now i regret that i didn't take any pictures or write that down or something.


I am sure that you have been trough some bad moments trough the last year. But the only thing that you always need to keep in mind is that anything could happen and you have to stay positive about it.
Did you lost someone you loved? Did your grandma die? do you suffer from any disease? well know that nothing lasts forever so try to make as many good memories as you can before anything bad happens and if it does happen, you've got to move on because that's the beauty of life.
 Imagine living without problems, that would be nice huh? but there is no such thing unless you are able to appreciate the little small things. If you could revive one single day, yesterday for example, you'd pay more attention to little things that in the first time you didn't notice at all and as many say, you never know what you have until it's gone. So be happy!


People aren't comfortable enough with themselves and they always have to depend on someone to tell them that they are beautiful or something like that.i think that it is some psychological thing.  I used to be one of those people but i got tired of it and i am much happier now. I tent to be pretty honest and sometimes people can  get upset about it. The point is that you don't have to depend so much on others. Their expectations will ALWAYS be different as yours, so why do you keep over thinking about what people are going to think? if you like it, then do it. 


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